Skilled Grant Application Entries

Contact Information
InstitutionCONALEP Dr Carlos Canseco González
School ofEducación técnica
AddressGaspar Castaño y Rhodesia del Norte, Col. Villas de San Carlos, Apodaca, Nuevo León, México
Gaspar Castaño y Rhodesia del Norte, Col. Villas de San Carlos, Apodaca, Nuevo León, México
Gaspar Castaño y Rhodesia del Norte, Col. Villas de San Carlos, Apodaca, Nuevo León, México, Nuevo León Apodaca
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Contact Person/Position
Full NameCarolina Roque Arroyo
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Phone(528) 114-1233
Fax(528) 114-1233
Before submitting, please confirm the following information is complete and accurate:
  • Contact information
Section I: Project Proposal Summery
HTML BlockProvide a summary description of the project:
Amount requested100.000
Funding Term2 years
The project falls into which of the following categoriesCertified Maintenance and Reliability programs
How will this project serve students and enhance the quality and experience of education?

The student will acquire competencies and skills over the course of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th semester, in this way, we will contribute to the student's continuous learning throughout their stay on campus, and their possible insertion into the manufacturing sector and engineering studies.

Provide a statement of need.

We have detected that we have a deficiency of equipment for the Machine Tools and Industrial Electromechanics careers, therefore, our request is to obtain an EDM that will directly impact the students of these careers and thus achieve the graduation profile

State current conditions and the desired change as a result of this project. One page or less.

The students will be able to develop and upgrade their competencies and skills using this equipment, since it will allow them to practice and put into action the knowledge of their career, and in this way, generate innovative ideas that allow them to successfully enter the automotive and manufacturing sector, and help them improve their professional opportunities and therefore, have access to a better quality of life.

Provide a schedule of project milestones (i.e. a progress or event schedule)

* Project in development of technical skills DENSO – Conalep Apodaca
* Project delivery June 3
* Project review by DENSO June 15 – July 18
* Target determinatios notices & Agreements released July 24
* Signed Agreements due July 31
* Grants released August 1 – August 15
* Equipment acquisition September
* Check in 1st year of subsidy August 1- 2025

How will this project be promoted and acknowledged?

It will be made known to the student community and society in general through the organization's social networks, in addition to a delivery and reception event of the multidisciplinary electroeroding center. Likewise in the promotion that is carried out in secondary schools, to recruit students

How will the success of this project be measured?

With students better trained in cutting-edge technology, as well as the development of technical skills in students, so that they achieve better performance in working life

Identify objective(s) and then how you intend to measure the result. (Note: Grant recipients are required to report on these objectives supported with data, on an annual basis to the conclusion to the grant term).

1.- Increase in enrollment in Machines and Tools and Electromechanics majors.
2.- Placement of Graduates from the Machines and Tools and Electromechanics careers.
3.- Increase in the signing of agreements with companies that need Technicians in these careers.

Section II: Financial Disclosure
1. List other project funding sources / major sponsors or contributors:
Source Amount Requested Amount Pledged Amount Received
2. Provide (or attach) a budget for the entire project if different from the request.
Budget Item Projected Cost
Total Project Budget100.000
3. How would DENSO funds be allocated?
Item/Expense Amount
Multidisciplinary Electro Erosion Center 100.000
Total Requested Grant100.000
4. Please enclose a copy of the school or department’s annual budget (preferred) or most recent annual report for the institution.Presupuesto.pdf
Section III: Institutional Information
Date EstablishedJune 3 2024
PresidentCésar Ismael Díaz Martínez
Dean, College of BusinessDOES NOT APPLY
Dean, College of EngineeringDOES NOT APPLY
Does the institution have a current or past relationship with a DENSO Company? If yes, please comment

Yes, we have been working as a team with the Denso company since 2017, on projects with the Denso North America foundation and the contest “World Skills”.

If the institution has received DENSO funding in the past, please provide date, description and amounts

• 2016-. Strong welding-. Welding equipment for the machine shop $ 50 000 dlls
• 2018-. Basic Pneumatics Training System $ 50 000 dlls
• 2020-. Machining center $ 55, 654 dlls

Does the University have DENSO-employed alumni? If yes, how many?YES, 119
Please Provide company/location if known.Industrial Park Monterrey, Apodaca, N.L
How did you hear of DENSO North America Foundation?By direct invitation from the Denso North America Foundation
The information presented in this application is accurate and complete. This application requires original signatures.
Another Project Explanation
  • I acknowledge if selected as a grant recipient, my institution has 5 business days to sign and return the Grant Agreement and provide electronic financial banking information to DENSO North America Foundation.
Proposal developed byCarolina Roque Arroyo and Abraham Garza Ortegón
TitlePromotion manager and Machine shop manager
Supported and Approved by:César Ismael Díaz Martínez